Thursday, 27 October 2016

1500 pts in a month - Day 12 and 13 - Final vehicle build

Sorry for the delay in any updates, I've not forgotten, what free time i have had has been spent on the project and family. I've had a bit of bad news and it turns out i won't be able to attend the tournament after all. My wife's operation has been moved to just before the date so i will have to try and attend another soon, family comes first!

Despite this i'm going to continue the challenge and aim to still complete it in the time frame!

So with that out of the way, day 12 and 13's hobby time has been spent building and prepping the final vendetta for the list. Really enjoy building this kit as most of the parts have been really well thought out. The only gripe was the turbines on the tips of the wings.The sprue gates were set in between the rivets on them, making it time consuming to clean up. Other than that though really good kit, especially the wings. I thought they would be flimsy and easy to break but they were very much the opposite!

Tomorrow i'm hoping to get some more paint on the first kill team, I've got some storm shields to paint and plenty of detailing to do still. The guards part of the army should be much quicker to paint detail wise.

That's all for these 2 days next post incoming!

Have fun!

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